The New Year often brings with it a renewed motivation to set goals, start something new, or pick up a long-lost project. Many people start with good intentions, but soon lose interest or motivation. By February they often find themselves back to where they were in December. When someone says, “I am going to have devotions every morning for one hour,” that is certainly a wonderful goal. But if it’s not realistic, it won’t last long. When I was a busy mother of three little ones, their needs and schedules dictated my schedule. If one of them woke up at 5:00 a.m., that’s when my day started. If one or more of my kids were sick, my plans for the day went by the wayside. I found that having personal goals that were unachievable only brought frustration. So I changed my ways.
Rather than set a goal to have devotions every day for an hour, I set a goal to keep growing in my walk with the Lord. Some days that meant I opened my Bible, and other days I listened to praise and worship cds in the car. Some days I had prayer time while my kids were sleeping, and some days I said a prayer for each of my little ones as I folded their laundry.
Another goal I had was to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. But rather than deprive myself of a treat now and then, I put myself on a “common sense” diet. And rather than go to the gym five days a week with my kids in tow, I bought some exercise videos and popped them in my VCR when my kids were playing in the play room. I have found that achieving goals is not so much about aiming at a specific target with strict disciplines, but rather, it’s achieving a life-style that brings glory to God.
I am now a grandma and have much more time for myself. I have time to sit at my kitchen counter and read the Bible and pray for as long as I want to. I can go for long walks and talk to God the entire time. I can go to the gym and attend exercise classes—sometimes four times a week. It’s what’s realistic for me now, in this season of life.
No matter what season of life you are in, set goals that are realistic and achievable and honoring to God. They might even last past February!
Happy New Year!