Six years ago today, the Christian Children’s Authors blog was launched.
Thank you to Janice D. Green, who had this lovely idea to bring together children’s authors in one place to not only promote our books but also to offer a blog that would minister to anyone with children in their lives. She’s also the one who wonderfully heads our blog team and sorts out the administrative and logistics side of the blog.
Thank you to you our readers – the parents, grandparents, teachers, children’s/youth workers, and anyone else who loves children and is involved in their lives – who have been reading our blog and getting ideas of activities to do with children. To all of you who read our posts, to those who leave comments, and to the many that are following us on Facebook, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
And of course there are the authors themselves who regularly contribute. It’s not the same team as first started out as a few authors have had to leave due to other commitments, responsibilities or family issues, but the contributions have continued, the vision among the authors has stayed the same, and the love, support and grace flowing through the team has remained steadfast. Thank you, ladies – it’s truly been a privilege to blog with you!
Thank You to God our Father, who has richly blessed this blog and each of us working on it, and to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We give You the glory, honour and praise. As we go forward into another year, it’s in Him we trust to lead, guide, provide and support us.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!
(Thomas Ken, 1674)
~ Wendy Sparkes ~