This is officially the 5th day of Christmas (days from Dec 26th until Three King’s Day). Five Gold Rings, for the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible, books of Moses). Reflect on a favorite story from Genesis and the great events of God delivering His people from slavery in Egypt (Exodus). That’s when they entered a new future.
Consider the future year and what Devotional you’ll use as a family and for yourself.
It’s also a great time to review the creation story before beginning a new creation. Consider what goals you want to set for the New Year. Resolutions don’t work but goals written down with steps to reach them can inspire you to move forward to reach to reach your dreams.
It’s also a busy time of year so I will keep this short.
For 5 Gold rings, let’s think of 5 golden tips for Moms
1. Let go of what’s not in the realm of reality to do and focus on what your family needs most.
2. Delegate and let children do things even if they do it less than perfect (practice makes perfect_
3. Follow through, especially with what you tell your children.
4. It’s okay to promise kids, “We will do xyz although I don’t know when.”
5.Trust God and lean on HIm for direction.