We gathered for our family Christmas. The little ones played, opened gifts, and played some more. My son called his children to get ready to go since it was a ways back up the mountain. The least one came into the living room to admire the tree one more time. “May I have a can can (candy cane)?” she asked to no in particular as she reached out to the tree.
“No, you’ve already had your sweet for today,” her mom replied. I gave mom candy canes to take home for the girls.
“I just want to touch it,” the little one said. She gently touched a cane on the tree. She then began exploring the tree, touching a gold ball, a clay stocking her sister had made years ago, and a Santa.
“What’s this?” her uncle asked. She squatted looking closely at the nutcracker hanging at the bottom of the tree without reply. “It’s a nutcracker. See you put a nut here and it cracks the nut.” She looked at him in disbelief.
“Touch the magi,” her dad said. They were hanging just above her head. “They’re the wisemen.” I couldn’t even remember putting any magi on the tree but there they were on a blue ball with a twinkling star. Her dad pointed them out to her. She reached and gently touched this ornament as well.
I wondered at how often we do things without contemplating the touch on a child’s life. I wonder if she will remember touching the magi on Grandma’s tree. I know the rest of us will remember the tender moment when a dad began to teach his daughter the importance of wisemen seeking Jesus and the touch He will have on her life because of magi hanging on a Christmas tree.
What ways are you seeing your family learn of the Savior this Christmas?