There are plenty of opportunities to serve others at Christmastime. Are you helping feed the homeless this Christmas? Providing baby blankets for young women with crisis pregnancies? Stocking food pantries for families with low income? Baking homemade cookies for military and those who serve our country?
As you’re serving and using your spiritual giftings and special talents to bless others this Christmas season, don’t forget to lead the people you’re ministering to toward the true meaning behind your actions…Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
Invite your Bible study group or family for an old-fashioned caroling where you walk door to door through your neighborhood. Be sure to sing classic carols that share the Gospel message along with holiday favorites.
If you’re feeding the homeless, team up with the ministry to distribute a pocket Bible or Gideon New Testament to each person you serve.
With your own children or grandchildren, read books that give a solid Gospel message such as “I Believe in Jesus: Leading Your Child to Christ.”
If you’re not sure how to share the Gospel, learn how to tell it to others in a meaningful way. So many people in our culture today are seeking for Truth. We know the One who will give them the answers they are looking for. Learn how to lead them to Christ. Evangelism Explosion provides training as well as many resources you can use within your comfort zone and in a variety of situations. CLICK HERE to visit their site.
If you feel uncomfortable speaking with others to share the Gospel, a colorful and inviting tract you can hand to people or tuck inside a Christmas card will help you share the Gospel within your comfort zone.
CLICK HERE to download and print out a free, kid-friendly tri-fold I wrote that has a clear Gospel message you can share with family, neighbors, and friends.
This Christmas, give the best gift of all. Give them Jesus.
-Nancy I. Sanders is the co-author of Danger on a Silent Night, Book 12 in Focus on the Family’s Imagination Station series